Exercise Physiology 4E 2001

Section I Physiology of Exercise

1 Physiology of Exercise in the United States Its Past, Its Future

2 Control of the Internal Environment

3 Bioenergetics

4 Exercise Metabolism

5 Hormonal Responses to Exercise

6 Measurement of Work, Power, and Energy Expenditure

7 The Nervous System: Structure and Control of Movement

8 Skeletal Muscle: Structure and Function

9 Circulatory Adaptations to Exercise

10 Respiration during Exercise

11 Acid-Base Balance during Exercise

12 Temperature Regulation

13 The Physiology of Training: Effect on V02 Max, Performance, Homeostasis, and Strength

Section II Physiology of Health and Fitness

14 Patterns in Health and Disease: Epidemiology and Physiology

15 Work Tests to Evaluate Cardiorespiratory Fitness

16 Training for Health and Fitness

17 Exercise for Special Populations

18 Body Composition and Nutrition for Health

Section III Physiology of Performance

19 Factors Affecting Performance

20 Work Tests to Evaluate Performance

21 Training for Performance

22 Training for Special Populations

23 Nutrition, Body Composition, and Performance

24 Exercise and the Environment

25 Ergogenic Aids


A Calculation of Oxygen Uptake and Carbon Dioxide Production

B Estimated Energy Expenditure During Selected Activities

C Physical Activity Prescription

D Recommended Dietary Allowances

E REAs--Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intakes of Selected Vitamins and Minerals

F RDSs--Median Heights and Weights and Recommended Energy Intake

G Percent Fat Estimate for Men: Sum of Triceps, Chest, and Subscapula Skinfolds

H Percent Fat Estimate for Women: Sum of Triceps, Abdomen, and Suprailium Skinfolds

